New Wave
A new wave of immigrants coming from central America, Hondurans and Haitians, forging their way to the great America. This images are taken at La Coyotera in Monterrey, México a place where they have stablished or are in transit. This moments represent when migrants complete or are in the limbo of their journey in a train known as “The Beast”. The name of this free way of transportation, it refers to the terrifying experience of traveling in the roof of the train, for some 2,500 kilo-meters, being exposed to all sorts of accidents and atrocities including deaths and limb loosing incidents. They travel in groups to magnify their chances of survival. Elbows, feet, hands, and knees, come together in the search belonging, identity, safety and strength.
New Wave

The option of migrating, became persistent among Haitians since the devastating 2010 earthquake that caused 217,000 deaths and left more than a million people homeless.
Through the decade, this answer to despair; the possibility of migrating, became embedded in their culture.

This is the moment when Haitians unintentionally meet with the Hondurans, who are fleeing a country tormented by violence, extortion and poverty.

Text by Maya Ayarzagoitia